QuickLearn Japanese Kana

Long time no post! QL Japanese Kana is undergoing some major structural changes and improvements. All common GUI elements are being refactored towards being resolution independent, including custom drawn, scaleable buttons. To many things going on to cover everything here, but the resulting experience should be a lot more consistent over different devices and resolutions in the end.

QuickLearn Japanese Kana

The main menu is getting close to completion in terms of icons and basic functionality.

Placeholder chapters for practising all unlocked / random / worst chapters need to be added.

Loads of code cleanup and practical tweaks underway to be able to navigate between application views that have previously been tested mostly in isolation.

QuickLearn Japanese Kana

Implementation of a custom button collection / radio group button / tab button collection for the statistics view is underway.

Swiping to change stats type has been replaced by a new custom control.

Functionality in place, exact style not decided yet and tweened animations are missing.

QuickLearn Japanese Kana

As Egg Tracker for Pokemon GO has been released on Google Play, it’s back to work with QL Japanese.

The project has been upgraded to build in the latest version of Android Studio with only minor issues (a dex:ing problem caused by the SQLite imports) and the GUI is getting an overhaul.

Sadly, LibGDX is not really designed with running at native resolutions in mind, but rather has a set resolution base with device display scaling approach. This means the project is facing some issues with handling resources for different resolutions.